Ok, so I have taken a beating from a number of friends and family for not updating the blog. Well, I'm sorry..., but there is a good reason.........
Back home to Brisbane, so, we have been a little preoccupied with starting a new job, a new school for Jude, a new home (well, back in with the parentals), and a new way of living......, without Dale : ( Dale has had to stay in Rocky to work, however, we are sure he won't be too far away!!
To say this is the most difficult time we have had in our little family's life would be an understatement, as this time we have a gorgeous little man in the picture who doesn't really understand what is going on. Jude's most favourite person in the whole world is his dad. Dale is the antz pantz, the chooks teeth, the beez neez..., all those saying and more according to Jude. And to only spend four days with him every three weeks is not our idea of fun. To make matters worse, there is someone struggling more then Jude, Dale. I'm not sure if it's because he loves his son more then anything in the world, or if he doesn't get to see him everyday, or if Jude is changing so much inbetween each visit, or because Jude calls Dale on the phone every morning for a chat...., or just because this is not the way it goes. But, we know it is for the greater good, and I'm sure something will be just around the corner for the Barnes Family to improve this situation!!!
Now, onto a more exciting note....... Jude is now a little boy. I have never seen him grow and develop so quickly! He goes from counting 2, 2, 3, 6, 10 one day, to all numbers from 1-10 the next. He suddenly can say the alphabet, read books, sing all the words to twinkle twinkle, have conversations, discipline his grandparents (they are always naughty) and chat to you about his day. He eats nothing other than tomato sauce, bread and butter, fruit and milo snacks, and yet the child keeps getting taller! Jude loves to sing and dance, he now reads to us every night, he has a facination with new shoes and different hats, and is is pretty much toilet trained (well, trained to go on command if that counts) with no accidents now for 2 days in a row - whooo! Man, toilet training is not one of my top 5 experiences as a parent!
Anyway, we think Nudie is just divine. I'm loving this stage, the interaction, the cuddles, the sneeky cheeky attitude and all the cleaning he loves to do - nice work Jude (he he he). So just a quick post to let you all know why I have been so slack! I look forward to catching up with you all very soon, and promise to get my camera out of the suitcase and put it back into action!
Love to you all xxx
1 comment:
Ms Gibbs! Just tried to send you an email as its getting to that time of year when you contact people that you haven't seen in ages. Just tried to send you a link with some pics but it bounced so came to the blog only to find you are a briswegian again!!!! YAYAYAYAYAYYYY. So guess what? I'M PREGNANT AGAIN!! Yes four kids, due in feb. Anyway lovvey, I am still at daniellecorbett@optusnet.com.au so drop us a line and we can have a play date!
Love Danielle
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