Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hot potato, hot potato...

We have reached that age; 20 months old and right into The Wiggles! So, how could we not take our very excited little boy off to see them live at the Pilbeam....

We started the morning with a lovely coffee (for the mums) and a play with fellow wiggle-goers, Henry and Olivia. Both Henry and Olivia were dressed in their themed outfits, however, poor Jude has a slack mum who didn't even think to do this - whoops! I think we were one of the only ones too that had nothing Wiggled attached to ourselves!

It was a fabulous morning with lots of crazy dancing, singing and being a little star struck when Sam Moran (Yellow Wiggle) walked right past Jude and gave him a big wave and a smile. Jude was totally mesmerized! I'm guessing we have one hooked little man...., we'll be back!

Morning tea at the coffee shop

Waiting patiently outside for Henry and Olivia to catch up with his ticket

I guess the concert started! Jude telling us all about it!

Concentration - quiet mum, no chatting!

Dancing and socialising with some randoms (gotta love that about toddlers)!

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

I remember when concerts used to be at night with rock bands.... look what happens when kids come along!! We have Dora in a few weeks!!