Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jude turns 20 months old...

I'm a big boy now!

Nudie's bed FINALLY arrived after 8 loooong weeks. It was on it's way from Melbourne for 2 whole weeks - clearly by foot! Anyway..., Jude is in his element. He takes himself off to bed at 7.00pm, followed usually by getting back out again and absconding to a section in the house where Dale and I aren't - the benefits of having two access points to his bedroom! Jude is so sneaky, that if he hears our footsteps, he quitely retreats back to his room until we have gone again. Where do they learn these things??

Jude idolises any child that is bigger then he is, and wants to do exactly what they are! This usually means copying a 3 or 4 year old as he is bigger then every 2 year old we have met so far being off the chart for height (>97th percentile). Whilst we encourage Jude to try anything and everything, we have reached a point where the words ‘no’, or ‘not yet’, or ‘that’s dangerous Jude’ are constantly coming out of our mouths!

‘No Jude you can’t ride that bike as the seat is taller then you are’

‘Not yet darling, chilli is too hot for little boys’

‘Jude balancing on the fence rail is dangerous’

‘No Jude – you must hold daddy’s hand when going down the stairs’

‘Jude, riding Presley is dangerous, not to mention painful for Pressy’

‘No Jude, little boys don’t play superman off the lounge’

‘No Jude, it’s dangerous to climb and dance on the table’

I’m sure you get the picture…..

Did I mention each one of those statement is usually followed by a tantrum – ahhh, the terrible two’s have hit.

Here are some pics of our little boy on the day he turned 20 months old….

Playing outside with his partner in crime, Presley (his tail is in almost every photo!)

This photo makes me laugh - he is such a character!

He is laughing at Presley sneezing!

In his cool fire truck

Our beautiful boy!

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

He is no longer a bub.. but a spunky little boy!