Thursday, March 25, 2010

Measure me up...

One big cheeky chop

Two words, GROWTH SPURT! And here is the proof...

19 months old

Weight - 14kg (50-75th percentile)
Height - 88cm (97th percentile)
Shoe size - 6 or 25
Clothing - Some size 2's, some size 3's, or 24 months

Jude said two words together....., 'no more'! I was quite impressed with this as it is not something Dale and I say to him. He figured that out all by himself - yeah!

Climbing, climbing, climbing!

Can't keep up with the words now. Your better off asking me if he can say it!

Jude can point to all body parts when asked, but can only say eye, nose, hair, toes, leggy and teeth (his pronounciation of course)

His favourite book is Saturday Night Shaun (from Shaun the Sheep)

His favourite DVD is one from In The Night Garden

His favourite soft toy(s) are the Ratties that Bron gave him, and the Lion that Aunty Nat gave him

His favourite play toy is his car that mum and dad gave him for Christmas

He loves Italian food at dinners, is enjoying the odd Easter Egg at the moment, and had his first chuppa chump after his 18mth immunisation. Oh, he also loves anything mummy or daddy are eating and polishes it off. I thought it was suppose to be the other way around??

Jude now hates blueberries, being told 'no', and crys when Igglepiggle sails away in his boat (from In The Night Garden for all those unfamiliar).

All in all, he is a happy, healthy (excluding all the temperatures, coughs, colds etc from care) boy with all the energy in the world put mainly to use in the form of mischief with a cute grin on his face!! Love him to bits!

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