Sunday, November 22, 2009

15 months old...

Our cheeky 15 month old

Still loving those fingers

Cruizn at home

Our happy boy!

Jude Barnes turns 15 months old tomorrow..., where has that time gone? Here is a little update as to how he is developing....

The best way to describe Jude in two words....

Height: 84cm (95th centile)
Weight: 11.8kg (50th-75th centile) down a little due to being so unwell
Head circumference: can't remember, but it is between the 50th-75th centile (sorry)

In summary, he is tall and skinny but we are working on it by making the most of the days he is well - food food food! It has been a tough 6 weeks for the little guy!

Jude also has very big feet, hands and is very long limbed. It is amazing what he can reach, especially when he goes on this tip-toes!

It is now up, up and away for Master Barnes. Everything is a step to use and climb up on! Chairs, tables, toys, washing basket, Presley's bed etc etc. Last week, Jude stretched as far as he could to remove as many books as possible from his bookcase to STACK and use as stairs to reach his money box on his chest-of-draws. I didn't even think he would be able to strategise! So, I packed them all up, thinking it was a once off and totally unintentional, and he did it again!

Cheekiness and Temper (this is a new sub-heading as it needs a special mention)
Throwing things, biting our hands if we try to hold his to steer him away from things like THE ROAD, throwing ourselves on the ground if we don't get our own way, telling Presley off when he doesn't sit and stay, telling you off if you say 'no' or 'uh uh' to him, slamming doors, going as straight and as stiff as a board if he doesn't want to get into the pram or car seat, and yelling....., loudly, are all a few things that have developed in the last couple of months. It's funny though, apparently he is the most polite, gentle and caring child in his class at care. So why the little monster at home??

Words and Comprehension
Jude is like a little parrot at the moment. Whilst he can't really repeat the words, he will say a whole lot of jibberish in exactly the same tone and pitch you used. Usually then followed by 'ahh ha' and a little nod, which means 'yes' and a cheeky smile like he is soooo proud of himself. His favourite word is still 'ta', and he now uses it, with a pointed finger, where you would normally say 'please'. Like 'ta' and pointing to my mobile, or ta and pointing to the computer, or ta and pointing to the sissors, car keys, TV remote or anything else that is dangerous or useful in our lives that we would like to see go over the balcony!

His comprehension is amazing though. He can understand lots of things such as would you like a drink, some food, to go outside, to go in the car etc. Give this to daddy, or can daddy have a kiss, where's mummy hiding and let's change your nappy! There are too many to write but I'm sure you get the idea! I have also noticed a little 'common sense' creeping in like holding on to our shoulders while he stands to put his shoes on, or swapping the object from hand to hand while we pop each arm through his shirt, or reaching up to hold my hand to go up and down stairs. However, he still has no fear and will quite happily venture off in the shopping centre or library without a care in the world!

Favourite toy: his jumping horse and Marshmellow (giant teddy)
Favourite food: Blueberries, sultanas, toast, cream from inside cream biscuits, and mango
Favourite beverage: well, water vs milk....., ummmmm, it's a tie!
Favourite book: Any book..., we are currently reading about 12-15 stories a day thanks to our little man being able to reach them all!
Favourite activities: Reading group on Thursday's, swimming on Friday's, walks in the pram, going to the Zoo and Botanical Gardens on Sunday's and grocery shopping! Oh, and sweeping, vacuuming and wiping down his tray table after meals (yessssss..., double pump and lunge Target crew..., double pump and lunge!!!!!!!!)

Book number one hundred and one and it's only 9am!!!

Playing at the library after reading group

Brekkie on the back deck


Another kiss!

The 'oh so safe' jumping horse!

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

Your updates make me laugh and realise most kids are the same. I remember when Chloe started the "new behaviour"around 15 months and thinking to myself "Don't I have til 2 before this starts??" Enjoy the ride... its true.. it just gets better. He is a big spunk and we are looking forward to seeing him again soon -xx-