The birthday boy, Jude Barnes, turned 1 year of age on the 23rd August 2009. What an amazing day for a little boy, he had so many friends and family around him for not only the day…, but for the whole weekend!! Jude’s Aunty Emma and Uncle Rory, Nanna, Grandma and Grandad all travelled up from Brisbane along with friends Beck, Scott and Baby Annie. His Great Grandma and Great Grandad, Great Uncle and Aunty and Second/Great Cousins (sorry, not sure of the official titles?? – confusing!) also came up from the Sunshine Coast, and Aunty Nat and Cousins Danielle and Cooper drove down from Townsville. What a lucky baby!
The morning was spent at home, followed by a little nap and then off to the party at The Botanical Gardens. It was a scorture of a day – 32 degrees I think (in WINTER!!), and unfortunately his ‘Birdy Cake’ which was a lovely fluffy chicken, turn to an old leathery plucked chook when the fairy floss melted after only 10 minutes! I almost shed a tear! But, hopefully the chocolate mud cake inside was yummy for all.
He had great fun eating all three different types of cake (chicken, malteaser and frekle, and B&R Ice Cream Cake), trying chocolate, chips, fairy bread and lollies – a day of many firsts! Jude also was very lucky to receive lots of lovely pressies, including many from people who could not be there on the day – thank you so much!!! Surprisingly, Nudie was more interested in the gift rather then the wrapping paper which was lovely as many told us not to be disappointed when he ran away with the 50cent balloon paper and left the thoughtful gift behind!
Daddy picked the pressy from us – it was even a surprise for mummy! And.., it is a winner!!! Here is a snap…..
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