Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day Photos

Can you believe all these were consumed on Xmas Day!!

A very happy baby celebrating his 2nd Christmas

Taking some time-out down at the beach on Christmas Day

16 months old and we think he is gorgeous!

Life's great!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Up late for the first time!

8pm and very late for little boys!
Having fun with Dad at the Go Kart track

As most of you know, Jude has been a very unwell little boy over the past 6 weeks. He has had a cold (query the flu), pneumonia, tonsilitis (many times), conjunctivitis, and now topping it off, an admission to The Mater Hospital on Thursday after a 39 degree temperature, while on antibiotics (augmentin too - the ducks nuts) and on panadol. It was only overnight in the end (after an original estimate of 3 nights in hospital..., ahhh), but it saw Jude undergo a septic work up, very quickly too I might add to check there wasn't anything really nasty hiding in his little body. Turns out, Jude continues to have both bacterial and viral infections going on, so onto the 6th course of antibiotics, and the 5th different type! Thankfully, Jude loves Yakult which we have been pumping into him..., perhaps pointless, but we 'hope' it is doing some good.

It looks like Jude might have a hot date with an ENT, a little earlier then other toddlers if he gets tonsilitis this bad again, or if these antibiotics can't shake the wretched thing! And no ones seems to know anything about this viral infection..., we just have to 'ride it out'.

So....., pending all of this...., the day after he was discharged, Dale had his work Christmas party. Jude wasn't going, wasn't going, wasn't going, and wasn't going...., but after a nice dose of nurofen and another of panadol at 4pm..., he was firing and ready to kit the Go Kart track! Staying at home is neither fun for Jude, who has every minute to remember he is sick, nor is it fun for mum and dad who has to carry a 12kg bub around everywhere as every little thing seems to upset him. Outings seem to be a good distraction for the little guy, and some respite for us too!

The 'do' kicked off at 5.00pm. After watching the Go Karts, climbing and playing in the playground, getting lost with all the 'big kids' in the jumping castle, flirting with all the girls and playing footy with the boys, it was already 7pm which is Jude's bedtime. But, he was having such a great time, that we didn't even notice 7pm turned into 7.30pm, which turned into 8pm, and then 8.30pm when we finally got home, and 9pm before Jude Barnes fell into bed. He had the BEST time, and was certainly the centre of attention! It was also nice for us to hear other parents asking if he was normally 'this active', as Dale and I collapse most nights wondering how the rest of the world does it! What they didn't know, is that he is normally twice as fast when well!! Anyway, it was really fun for Jude to have a night out with the CWN and RPM Workforce crew, followed by a fabulous family day the next day where only one dose of panadol was needed at 4am! Perhaps a little bit of fun is just what the doctor ordered.....

15 months old...

Our cheeky 15 month old

Still loving those fingers

Cruizn at home

Our happy boy!

Jude Barnes turns 15 months old tomorrow..., where has that time gone? Here is a little update as to how he is developing....

The best way to describe Jude in two words....

Height: 84cm (95th centile)
Weight: 11.8kg (50th-75th centile) down a little due to being so unwell
Head circumference: can't remember, but it is between the 50th-75th centile (sorry)

In summary, he is tall and skinny but we are working on it by making the most of the days he is well - food food food! It has been a tough 6 weeks for the little guy!

Jude also has very big feet, hands and is very long limbed. It is amazing what he can reach, especially when he goes on this tip-toes!

It is now up, up and away for Master Barnes. Everything is a step to use and climb up on! Chairs, tables, toys, washing basket, Presley's bed etc etc. Last week, Jude stretched as far as he could to remove as many books as possible from his bookcase to STACK and use as stairs to reach his money box on his chest-of-draws. I didn't even think he would be able to strategise! So, I packed them all up, thinking it was a once off and totally unintentional, and he did it again!

Cheekiness and Temper (this is a new sub-heading as it needs a special mention)
Throwing things, biting our hands if we try to hold his to steer him away from things like THE ROAD, throwing ourselves on the ground if we don't get our own way, telling Presley off when he doesn't sit and stay, telling you off if you say 'no' or 'uh uh' to him, slamming doors, going as straight and as stiff as a board if he doesn't want to get into the pram or car seat, and yelling....., loudly, are all a few things that have developed in the last couple of months. It's funny though, apparently he is the most polite, gentle and caring child in his class at care. So why the little monster at home??

Words and Comprehension
Jude is like a little parrot at the moment. Whilst he can't really repeat the words, he will say a whole lot of jibberish in exactly the same tone and pitch you used. Usually then followed by 'ahh ha' and a little nod, which means 'yes' and a cheeky smile like he is soooo proud of himself. His favourite word is still 'ta', and he now uses it, with a pointed finger, where you would normally say 'please'. Like 'ta' and pointing to my mobile, or ta and pointing to the computer, or ta and pointing to the sissors, car keys, TV remote or anything else that is dangerous or useful in our lives that we would like to see go over the balcony!

His comprehension is amazing though. He can understand lots of things such as would you like a drink, some food, to go outside, to go in the car etc. Give this to daddy, or can daddy have a kiss, where's mummy hiding and let's change your nappy! There are too many to write but I'm sure you get the idea! I have also noticed a little 'common sense' creeping in like holding on to our shoulders while he stands to put his shoes on, or swapping the object from hand to hand while we pop each arm through his shirt, or reaching up to hold my hand to go up and down stairs. However, he still has no fear and will quite happily venture off in the shopping centre or library without a care in the world!

Favourite toy: his jumping horse and Marshmellow (giant teddy)
Favourite food: Blueberries, sultanas, toast, cream from inside cream biscuits, and mango
Favourite beverage: well, water vs milk....., ummmmm, it's a tie!
Favourite book: Any book..., we are currently reading about 12-15 stories a day thanks to our little man being able to reach them all!
Favourite activities: Reading group on Thursday's, swimming on Friday's, walks in the pram, going to the Zoo and Botanical Gardens on Sunday's and grocery shopping! Oh, and sweeping, vacuuming and wiping down his tray table after meals (yessssss..., double pump and lunge Target crew..., double pump and lunge!!!!!!!!)

Book number one hundred and one and it's only 9am!!!

Playing at the library after reading group

Brekkie on the back deck


Another kiss!

The 'oh so safe' jumping horse!


Welcome back Summer, and hello 'fruit bat Jude'. The past month has seen Jude refuse every vegetable, including those that are 'hidden' - clearly not hidden enough! However, the dietitian in me doesn't care, as he is well and truely making up for it in fruit! Blueberries, strawberries and sultanas are the favs, however, mango is climbing the ladder quickly. It would not be surprising for Jude to finish all his dinner, well, all bar the veges, and to then polish off a whole mango. Here are a few snaps of him..., looking like every other Queenslander at this time of year... (who knows why I even bothered to use a bib??)...

It doesn't get much better then this...

Serious business

Some for mum??

Nope, all for Jude!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Mini Dale...

Some quick snaps of Jude (not Dale, these are of Jude....., hard to tell them apart I know) at 14 1/2 months of age just chilling out at home playing with his toys, and attacking his mum with slobbery kisses. He looooves his new short from Pippy and David, look how cool he thinks he is!

Family Day...

One of the best things about living in Rockhampton is that it is great for young families! There is so much to do in the community, our favourite being the Botanical Gardens and Zoo. I think it is by far the most beautiful Botanical Gardens in Australia, and despite it popularity among locals, you can still fine your own little possy to spend time with those you love most...

I just love this photo..., my two favourite people!

Being cheeky (while dribbling - he is cutting molars at the moment)

Life with a little boy - all fun and games till mummy gets hurt!

Beat up daddy instead - he is tougher!

Our little man - 14 1/2 months old

Monday, October 5, 2009

First Day in Care....

Dressing our little Nudie was a sad, but exciting day today (5th October 2009) as it was his first day off to baby school. Yup, off to care for three days a week. A new era in both his, and our life. One which we didn’t really want to occur – why won’t our parents retire and move to Rockhampton (pretty pleeeease!)!

In all seriousness, we think he is ready for this next step. It would be fair to say Jude is now a little bored at times despite all his ‘girls’ lunches, reading groups, swimming lessons, zoo visits, walks, PJ Wednesdays, as many trips to Woolies as possible, shopping weekly at out favourite shop where he receives cuddles from all the girls including the owner who calls him Juicy Jude, sing-a-long Saturdays and musical Mondays…, I’m sure you get the picture. Jude is a busy boy, but still he is missing out on one major thing…, lots of other ‘little people’ to play with. He is mesmerised by other children and loves socialising so hopefully starting care could only be a good thing.

So after a little ‘welling’ in the eyes (from daddy of course – he he), all three of us got stuck into our day. Jude spent the morning playing in the sand pit, had a lovely morning tea with 5 other friends, a quick go of his favourite toy (yup, they have a mower – who would have thought!), off for a sleep (yesssssss, we have success), a little lunch followed by some singing, playing with the counting beads, afternoon tea and then back outside for some playtime. Apparently there was lots more achieved during his 8 hour day, however, too much to include in his daily newsletter from Tonya – his new favourite friend from Monday-Wednesday. A few teary periods reported, but an ‘ok’ first day for Jude.

I wonder what day 2 will bring for our little man……

Fun times with Grandma...

With Grandma here for 10 days, there was lots and lots to do!! Especially since this toddler of ours needs entertainment 24/7! Here is a snap shot of all the fun we had during Grandma's stay.....

Lunch at The Marina with G'ma, Daddy, Mummy and all the birds Jude attracted!

Loving G'ma's cooking and sharing his vanilla slice beaters with dad

"So I have a beater..., what's it to you? Jealous?"

Off to the zoo to see the puppy dingos, and morning tea in the Botanical Gardens

An excited Grandma!! There's plenty more pram pushing..., all 400m of it down hill!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

An exciting 12 months....

Our cheeky monkey about to climb into bed with his best friend, 'Pri Pri' (Presley)

It's amazing how quickly your little baby changes, and how this rate of change speeds up the older they are! I remember back in the early months of his little life that we celebrated one big thing every week or two. Now we are celebrating new things every hour it seems!! Just yesterday Jude pointed to a 'dot' on my tummy when we were heading downstairs for a swim. I told him it was mummies belly-button and asked him where Judie's belly-button was. After what seemed like an eternity of searching on his abdomen, he finally found his! Perhaps he found it difficult to peer over his gorgeous round tummy?? Now, he is determined to find EVERYONE's belly-button so watch out people - hold those shirts down! His comprehension is amazing, I wonder what I have said around other 13 month olds, totally unaware that they understand!!!

Jude is such a social butterfly which I am starting to acknowledge this is both good and bad. We had some very good friends over for dinner last night and Jude spent 15 mins progressively going from one person to another dishing out kissess (plus and minus a slobbery tongue) which were thankfully accepted (thanks guys). That's nice, but when they are to strangers down at the beach, or in the shopping centre, I get a little worried! Our Jude totally skipped the 'stranger danger' phase, or the 'separation anxiety' stage, or just the general emotion of fear! It is lovely to have a bub with lots of confidence who is fairly 'outgoing', however, these new parent challenges are becoming more apparent - especially now that he can run!

A Nudie Update.....
* Jude rarely walks since the discovery he can now run!
* Not too many extra words since the last update, the most used is probably mum and taaaaa, but he can understand A LOT. He can get his shoes and know they belong on his feet. He will carry his bag, and take my hand to lead me to what he wants - ie. to the kitchen for food, or to the bench to get his water bottle, or to the pool fence for a swim! He can point to lots of body parts now, and loves to tell Presley to sit and lie down (usually with lots of pointing and different grunts which 'obviously' mean the different instructions), which he obediently does!
* His last measurements, taken at 12 months, were 11.5kg and 80cm - he is very tall for his age still. At this rate, he will overtake me at 14 years of age, and overtake Dale and 15 1/2 years of age!
* His favourite toy is a plastic mower, and still Marshmellow the teddy (although, Harrod, another teddy from Bel is climbing up the chain fast!)!
* He is right into reading, DOG is still his favourite book which can be read over, and over, and over, and over again with nooooooo break! Help!
* His favourite meal of the day would be morning tea, although he quite likes going out for breakfast, and he like a 'selection' for main meals such as cheese, crackers, olives and leg ham for lunch. Shock horror if he gets a peanut butter sandwich, or if we give him the same ish two days in a row!
* His favourite fruit is definitely blueberries. He eats the whole tub in one hit - and that's after lunch or dinner
* He does not have a favourite vegetable anymore - I have to hide them in things now like grated carrot and zucchini in rissoles! Those days are gone!
* He now has a ~2 hour sleep during the middle of the day, and still sleeps from 7pm-7am overnight - thank goodness!!
* Jude is VERY ticklish (feet, ribs, under the chin, hands, knees, arms, back of the neck etc etc) and loves playing 'chase me chase me chase me' - especially with Presley.
* And Judie's favourite time of day is when his dad gets home from work!

Boop boop dit-tem dat-tem what-tem Chu, and they swam and they swam all over the dam...

Jude has a hot date on a Friday morning with two lovely girls, 9 month old Ava and 2 year old Ava, his swimming companions. It is 35mins jam packed with singing, and a lot of laughter from Grandma who was lucky enough to take him one morning while she was up on school holidays. I think most of the laughter from Grandma was because Jude enjoys singing to EVERY song, plus the faces he pulls after he is dunked and/or splashed in the face. Some musical friends of ours have named Jude 'the tripple threat' - he can sing, dance and act. Look out Hugh Jackman....

Aside from all the laughter, Jude loves swimming. All our water wise lessons last summer have very much paid off, not one tear. He loves meeting his two Ava's each Friday, and mummy loves his big 2-3 hour sleep afterwards! Now for the next challenge..., to stop him trying to dive in by himself!!!

Choosing a toy for 'I'm a Little Pancake'

More focused on getting to the wall - nice one of g'ma though!

Kick kick kick

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hayman Holiday...

Daddy needed a well deserved holiday where there was nothing to do but relax, and enjoy time as a family, the first since Jude arrived 12 month prior! We started off with a couple of days at Airlie (after a 5 hour drive where the portable DVD player, and Shaun The Sheep were both lifesavers), enjoying tapas along the beach and exploring the town – on foot of course. It is amazing how long it takes to get anywhere when toddlers insist on walking and pushing his own pram! It was then instant relaxation once we jumped on the boat to head to Hayman, all very exciting for a little boy!!! Boats, people, islands – waaaaay too much stimulation resulting in a tucked out little boy…

Hayman is beautiful, so much so that you can’t describe it! It is such a fabulous destination for a family with little ones running around as there is so much to do, yet you feel like you are totally on your own, definitely great for all involved! You name it, Jude did it! He had such a wonderful week, we tried to capture as many thing as we could… 

Building sandcastles with daddy

Swimming in the beautiful water

Dinner on our balcony

Watching the sunset

Taking it all in...

Concentrating on..., something??

Spot of golf

And playing with palms

Jude's friend

Another one of Jude's friends!

Heading to lunch by the pool

Climbing with mummy

Picnic lunch

Daddy chilling

This was by far his most favourite thing to do on Hayman…., the playground at Baby Creche. And with all the toys and play equipment available, Jude only had eyes for one thing…, the mower. As much as we tried to entertain him with other things, he kept going back for that mower. A love that we certainly don’t understand!

Me and my mower

In the tunnel with my mower

Standing proud with my mower

All the other toys, but still the mower

Lucky us, another mower!

Happy to be on holidays

Another favourite past time, pushing my pram


Trying to fall in!

Me and my dad!

Weeeeeeee... (the mower was confiscated)

Playing in the tunnel

Silly baby!

Man on a mission!
(Back at Airlie, the morning we head home)