Sunday, December 7, 2008

A little bit of fun at Grandma's...

After the week in Melbourne, it was back to Brisbane to meet two of mummy's friends who are living in the UK, Pippy and Trina, and also to meet a very special little girl who just entered the world - Anastasia. There were lots of smiles for all the girls who were very surprised at how big Nudie is! Girls...., we forgot the camera!

Then, it was all about having fun at Grandma and Grandad's house. Grandma became a little silly one day when Jude experienced a typical hot, humid Brissy afternoon right before a Summer storm. Mummy gave Grandma a nice wet washer to cool Jude down, and look what happened.....

Jude the Snake Handler

Sister Jude

Egyptian Jude
Egyptian Jude is personally my favourite! Straight to the blog... he he!

Playtime with Presley and Grandma
Well, what a very busy two weeks. As soon as we arrived back to Rocky, it was straight to sleep for the little guy.... Zzzzzzzzz

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