Sunday, December 7, 2008

Full time Daddy!

We new this Melbourne trip was going to be a big one! First, the three hours on the plane (piece of cake), then, riding in the back of a taxi (a little whingy, but not so bad), then, sussing out his new home for the week - bed, play area, and no bath (no worries), and then....., full-time daddy care for 4 days!

Day 1 started off a little shakey with mummy not wanting to leave.., just one more kiss, ohhh, just one more (need I go on more??), daddy dressing Jude which resulted in his shirt being back-to-front (he he he), and a million phone calls back and forth between us with a zillion questions, both ways! But, after the initial hurdles..., I think the 'boys' had a fabulous time spending their days shopping in the city, walking along the Yarra, sightseeing, and out for dinner! To be honest, I struggled being apart from Nudie which is so amazing considering I have only known this little man for 14 weeks!

Tuckered out after day 1 in Melbourne (Jude was tired too - he he)

A little bit of fun at Grandma's...

After the week in Melbourne, it was back to Brisbane to meet two of mummy's friends who are living in the UK, Pippy and Trina, and also to meet a very special little girl who just entered the world - Anastasia. There were lots of smiles for all the girls who were very surprised at how big Nudie is! Girls...., we forgot the camera!

Then, it was all about having fun at Grandma and Grandad's house. Grandma became a little silly one day when Jude experienced a typical hot, humid Brissy afternoon right before a Summer storm. Mummy gave Grandma a nice wet washer to cool Jude down, and look what happened.....

Jude the Snake Handler

Sister Jude

Egyptian Jude
Egyptian Jude is personally my favourite! Straight to the blog... he he!

Playtime with Presley and Grandma
Well, what a very busy two weeks. As soon as we arrived back to Rocky, it was straight to sleep for the little guy.... Zzzzzzzzz

3 months old - ALREADY!!

Our newborn baby is now a little boy and I can't believe how fast it has gone! It feels like just yesterday that I read him his very first issue of Vogue at the ripe age of 10 days old. Unfortunately for me, he now prefers books like Harry the Dirty Dog, and The Hungry Caterpillar - why!!!!!?

Anyway, our little boy is now 'not so little' weighing 6.7kg at 12 weeks of age with 6kg of that weight is in his cheeks - he he! He spent the first 12 weeks of life mastering swimming, babbling, laughing, sleeping (oh thank you my guardian angel - aka 'Kirsty'), crazy kicking, flapping, and grabbing mummy's hair, toys, clothes and whatever else comes within reach! Jude is officially a massive cuddle tart, and has been soooo lucky to meet so many of his family and our friends!

At 3 months of age, Jude loves.....

- His most favourite person in the world, his dad

- Anything to do with water

- Kisses (lucky - cause they come in thick and fast!)

- Talking with grandma

- Kicking around under his playgym

- Staring at his brother Presley

- Blowing raspberries

- Dribbling

- Eating!

- Rolling over to the left (and only the left???)

- Grocery shopping - weird I know!

- Shopping

At 3 months of age, Jude doesn't like.....

- The sound of the whipper snipper (pardon the spelling??)

- The thirty minutes between 6pm and bathtime (6.30pm)

- Going out for brekkie, lunch and dinner all in the one day (sorry little man)

- Sitting still for more than 10 minutes

- Watching the flight attendants do the safety demonstration on air planes

Dale and I feel so lucky to have Nudie Judie and can't imagine a day without him. He makes us laugh so much and we are treasuring every day, every moment.

Happy 3 months old Jude!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Out with the girls...

Smiles for the girls!

Good conversation!

Cuddles with Nanna while blowing raspberries!

Jude was up for a bit of Christmas shopping in Brisbane, but not before a little morning tea with his Nanna, Grandma (or Nona/Uba/Noni - anything else Kath wants to be called), Aunty Emma and of course, mummy. And, good thing we had our cameras as there were lots of 'kodak moments'!