Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Brisbane here I come....

OMG - 8 weeks old already!!! Jude was up for a Brissy trip, dressed in his car outfit, to see as many people as mummy and daddy could cram into the week - crazy!! A few things had to be rescheduled though as Jude was a bit overwhelmed with the long drive, new city, new bedroom and so many people to meet. His parents have learnt for next time! He was such a fabulous little boy though and very much loved the trip down south and all the cuddles that went along with it!

Jude has now started to have these fantastic conversations with a range of things including his monkey mirror in the car (of which he thinks is hilarious), the wall, the lounge, mummy's patterened tops, his fist, Presley and his cot mobile. He also loves talking to anyone that will listen, which is usually followed by a giggle and a huge smile. He is oh sooooooooo cute!! He loves 'kickie' time on the change mat, being nude (hence, his new name..., Nudie Judie), baths, and watering the garden with daddy.

Jude was a very brave boy for his 8 week immunisations, but the consultation went on FOREVER as all the nurses at the clinic had to have a cuddle. One of the other patients thought Jude was 5 months old - how wrong she was (he he he)! Jude just told her he is carrying a little 'insurance' for a rainy day when perhaps the world runs out of food : )

1 comment:

Kirsty said...

It was great to meet your little man - thanks for making some time to meet us for lunch on yuor brisbane trip .... you guys coming home yet????