Friday, April 17, 2009

Welcome home party for daddy...

It was a beautiful day in Rocky so we decided to wait out the front for daddy to come home on a Friday afternoon ready to start the weekend. These were taken today (17th April) with Jude being 7 months, 3 weeks old....

Happy birthday mummy...

My friend, Kirsty, told me that birthdays are extra special when you can share them with your little ones. How right she was! My birthday this year fell on Good Friday which was a blessing in disguise. My mum and dad flew up to Rocky to spend the weekend with the Barnes' and I would have to say it was one of the best birthdays I have every had. With the day starting off with a massive smile at 7am from Judie, brekkie in bed from my gorgeous husband, and a happy wagging Presley, it was always going to be a good one. Mum and dad coming up was fabulous, and it just gave them even more quality time to spend with Nudie. Grandad was up to his old tricks (see photo below), Grandma squeezed in a million and one kisses, and it was this weekend that Jude decided his first words would be mum (pronounced more like mmmmuummmm) and ma. What an amazing birthday gift!

Thanks for the hat Grandad!


Jude is very much an outdoors boy. He loves going for walks, being in the garden, playing with Presley or just chilling out by the pool. Leisurely Jude...

Studying the grass

Best friends

On the move

Having some fun

Cuddles with mum and dad

A Rudie Nudie Judie Update...

So much has happened over the past 6 weeks. It is amazing at how quickly Jude is developing, sometimes just overnight! He is definitely not a baby anymore and is growing into a very independent little lad. We recognise every minute we spend with Jude is precious, and love the little personality he is developing. He is a very ticklish little boy that laughs uncontrollably if you touch his ribs, under the arms, under the chin, on the tummy, knees, arms and feet. He also laughs at any noise you make whether it be that of an animal, a truck, or even chewing ice! Presley is his best friend and finds his panting, wagging tail, and retrieving hilarious. Jude knows his own name, likes to feed himself, can drink out of a cup, brush his teeth, and is trying to win the 'loudest baby' contest. He especially likes to babble at the top of his voice bu bub bu bu, da da da, mu mu ma ma in the library and in the checkout line at Woolworths while mummy unpacks the groceries. Unfortunately this is being positively reinforced as other grocery shoppers smile, laugh and talk back to him. Jude is very amused by this and gives them his very best smile and a round of applause! Cheeky!

Here is a little summary as the time between 6 - 7 1/2 months has been a period of 'firsts'....

First tooth (6 months almost to the day..., and second tooth only 1 week later)
First time sitting up with no support (6 months)
First time giving out kisses (6 months) - beware, they are slobbery and usually end with a bite
First time clapping (6 months)
First time waving (6 1/2 months)
First 'NO' - biting mummy and thinking it was funny (6 1/2 months)
First 1st birthday party (7 months)
First pair of shoes (7 months), first time kicking them off (7 months and 1 second)
First 'furniture surfing (7 months)
First words, mum and ma (7 months)
First time feeding Presley, his whole piece of vegemite on toast! (7 months)

First time in shoes (thank you Pip)

First time trying to take them off - success was only a second away!

Clapping for the camera

Anticipating being tickled!

A laughing fit

Bye bye baby bath...

Bathtime is definitely one of Nudie's favourite things to do! Not only is it quality time with daddy each evening, but it is also a heap of fun. Jude's latest bath toy is his toothbrush (I actually listened to the Paediatric Dentist give her lecture at my course) which I am very pleased about. The toothbrush is forever in the mouth so it is not too difficult to brush his two teeth - all over in one second! If only it will be this easy forever....

A little stunned by the camera I think??

Sitting up, again with the brush in hand!

The most recent trip to Brisbane brought about a change to the bathtime routine. See ya later baby bath..., I'm a big boy now. It is much more fun this way, more water + more room = more opportunity to splash and flood the bathroom - yessssssss!

Grandad was very tricky to capture this shot with accurate positioning/angle of the toothbrush. Nice work dad (my dad that is)!

Cuddles with friends and family...

Another trip to Brisbane means more cuddles with some of my favourite people. Here are just a few...

Jude with one spunky Camp Hill neighbour, Miss Chloe Harrison

Mucking around with Uncle Rory - he is so much fun!

Cuddles and a little TLC with Amelia

One big happy family with Erin and Baby Thomas, and Beck and Baby Annie. Not sure why Jude is not so 'happy' here as he had a fabulous day with the girls and the babies!

Jake and Jude having a fabulous conversation